Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Photo: The Seattle airport (layover). All of our stuff fit in the
two super large duffels that we had taken to Africa; weighing in at 45
and 29 pounds. Add some food and water, we'll probably have around 40
lbs each in pannier bags mounted to our bikes. We aren't going for
any "ounce weenie" awards here- in addition to a tent, sleeping bags,
and basic cook stuff and clothes, we also added some luxury weight in
a Nerf football, dressy clothes (one nice, one casual) for nice
dinners, and of course a swim suit and towel in case a swimming, hot
spring or hot tub opportunity presents itself!


  1. Ah Seattle...one of my favorite cities! :-) Im glad you're able to post updates & photos from your iPhone! :) The pic of you two is very cute. You look healthy (so I hope that means you are feeling better).

  2. Looking forward to your visit to San Diego. If the cold/wet weather gets to you there is a train from Santa Barbara to San Diego.

    We are having a Christmas cookie baking party on the 19th, Saturday. If you can make it here by then we would love to have you participate!

    See you soon.
