Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pebble Beach

A little beach with pretty pebbles (not golfers). We've gone 25 miles
so far. Rode a half mile with a couple from Montreal biking from
Anchorage to Argentina. They started in Sept. and think they'll get to
Arg in June.

Jodi made abig point of wanting to stop at Pebble Beach since she's
heard the name so many times. She seemed underwhelmed. So I
gently broke the news that she's thinking of Pebble Beach the world
class golf course, hehe.

Karla-- we can't do comments with the iPhone I guess but I wanted
to say hostels are everywhere. Last night people were there with kids
for a birthday party. The downside is they are cheap so they book
early. We're kinda between seasons so there's easy availability. Check
out Hostelling International on the internets before your next trip!


  1. Your posts about hostels makes me wonder how I've lived such a sheltered life... I may need to take a "hostel" trip soon(and leave the kids behind for the sake of my housemates)!

  2. I think the famous Pebble Beach is a stop on the BEAUTIFUL 17 mile loop near Monterey - I hope you can take the time to ride the whole 17 miles - it's a GORGEOUS loop and well worth the time. If you make it, be sure to keep an eye out for the very photogenic lone cypress tree! :)
